About Us

What We Do


Our Commitment

We empower grassroots organizations and Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) through transformative digital technology support. We make resources and tools accessible to all, Our vision extends beyond borders, advancing global solutions for local humanitarian impact.

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To date, our impact at the Trans Noah Tech Nexus Center resonates across 20 organizations spanning over 10 rural communities, providing vital support to more than 11 Human Rights Defenders (HRDs). Through the dedication of our resources and expertise, we have forged impactful partnerships, creating a ripple effect that empowers and transforms.

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Our History

Trans Noah Alliance was founded on August 5th, 2022, just four days after the tragic passing of Noah Matthew Kinono, a transgender woman and a close friend of Rodhni Kiggund, the head, and founder of our organization.

In Rodhni's words,

"I received a call from the late Tk Mate, as he was called on social media, in the evening around 10 pm. I didn't pick up the call, thinking it was a usual joke. I planned to call him in the morning, only to wake up to pictures of him being reported as killed. It's something very hard to grasp."

This incident exposed the lack of support for Human Rights Defenders (HRDs), both from friends with knowledge and experience and from nearby police stations and local authorities. This prompted the creation of an organization that could amplify the voice of gender equality and offer much-needed support.

Driven by the determination to prevent further gender identity violations and provide support, Trans Noah Alliance was formed by individuals with diverse skills, including expertise in communication and information technology. The organization acknowledges the importance of using these skills to advocate for the rights and well-being of transgender individuals, creating a platform to empower their advocacy.

Noah Matthew Kinono's tragic incident remains a constant reminder of the urgent need for action and support within the transgender community. Trans Noah Alliance, which has now expanded its operations to support all HRDs, women-led organizations, and grassroots organizations, aims to be a reliable and accessible resource providing assistance, guidance, and advocacy to communities facing related challenges.

The organization is committed to making a difference and ensuring that no one else suffers the same fate as Noah Matthew Kinono. Through empowering HRDs, grassroots organizations, and advocacy in all categories, we believe that the more we empower and support HRDs and organizations, the greater the impact on humanitarian causes.

Our Roadmap

August, 2022

Formation of Trans Noah Alliance

Trans Noah Alliance was established on August 5th, 2022, following the tragic passing of Noah Matthew Kinono, a transgender woman.

November, 2022

Support for Women-Led Organizations

By November 2022, Trans Noah Alliance had already provided support to over 5 women-led organizations, recognizing the unique challenges they face.

May, 2023

Collaboration with Trans Rescue

In May 2023, Trans Noah Alliance volunteered with Trans Rescue, contributing efforts to provide support where it was needed the most.

August, 2023

Expanding Support to HRDs and Organizations

By August 2023, the organization had significantly expanded its impact, supporting over 20 organizations and more than 11 Human Rights Defenders (HRDs).

November, 2023

Inception of TN Tech Nexus Center

Responding to the demand and identified gaps in information and tech support, the TN Tech Nexus Center was developed in November 2023. This initiative aimed to bridge the technological divide and provide much-needed resources to communities and organizations.
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